Monday, 9 August 2010

Prize: best use of a flowerpot as a hat

Differentiation Corner: and this week - Gardening.
So often in the 'who on earth do I choose?" category of services, here it gets a very deserved branded treatment. Now Dubliners get to decide if they want a generic man-with-van approach, or this eye-catching fella with the terracotta titfer.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

JJB - new balls please

My kids wanted a new football. A shiny, blingy, world-cuppy sort-of-a ball. So we walked into town and headed for JJB Sports.

Now, I know JJB isn't a real sports shop. They've got running stuff, and Umbro shirts, and ping-pong bats - but if you're looking for expertise, you don't go JJB. You go to the speciality running shop. Or the indie sports shop in town.

But we just wanted a ball. We would pick it ourselves from a big bargain-basementy bin, and happily exit the shop fifteen-quid lighter as long as no-one stopped us.

But they did. Not the helpfulness-less summer-jobbing teenagers. they're dodging all forms of customer intervention.

No. While we stood in line to buy a football and a mini-basketball, the security-guard guy came and told Hugo, my five-year-old, to stop bouncing the ball.

He wasn't bumping anyone or knocking stuff over. He was bouncing a miniature basketball.

Now, even if you've decided that - although the word 'Sports' appears in your shop name - you're not really about the competitive, cut-and-thrust of Corinthian endeavour - you surely cannot have it in mind that you're the "Just Don't Do It" brand.

We can be pretty sure you're not targetting athletes. My guess is you think you're targetting kids. Fun, entry-level participants. I know some of your offer is sportswear as fashion. But still. You're a sports shop. A pretty cheap one. But still a sports shop.

A ball wants to be bounced. You could have some of those bored looking employees shooting hoops in-store. You'd sell more stuff. I'm certain.

Brands make a promise and live up to it in everything they do.
Unless your promise is "we take the fun away" - you're failing.
